Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Travel Day | Monument Lake, Everglades, FL to Bonita Springs, FL



by Grant

It’s another beautiful morning in the Everglades. The sun’s shining, birds abound and the insects have abated with the sunrise.

We have our usual early morning coffee and catch up on some ‘housekeeping’ for work and projects. Jana and I take the dogs for a leisurely stroll and meet some young guys, Jake and James, who are traveling in a Prius and camping in tents. We chat a bit about their trip and ours. Us on a 40’ RV with four humans and three dogs. Them in a Prius with two pup tents, their fishing rods and bikes.

We also bumped into Chris and Debra, the campground hosts, and had a couple of chats as they did their ritual circuits around the campground. They try to get in six laps of the campground across the AM and the PM, for a total of 3 miles. They’re lovely people and love this spot. It is a great, quiet, and picturesque campground and we have really enjoyed it (sans the biting insects). 

Gamble Family Adventures and Travel Blog | Living on a Bus

The next leg of our trip is only a short one so we take our time getting mobile. Usually we try to travel 4-5 hours on each travel day, but we want to visit Naples and Sanibel Island so we’re heading up to Bonita Springs which is a short hop from the Big Cypress Preserve.

Jack cracked out the drone to get some footage of “Thelma and Louise” in motion as we headed out onto 41 West. We then turn onto 29 North (not to be confused with Charlottesville’s 29 North) and across to Bonita Springs and the Sanctuary RV Resort.

Bonita Springs is north of Naples and south of Fort Myers. Sanibel Island is WNW of Bonita Springs. So we’re essentially smack dab in the middle of all the places we’d like to see, but maybe not in the optimal spot persey.

We get set up and head over to Bonita Beach. On the way there, we stop for some takeout sushi at Tako in Bonita Springs. This is in a little strip mall, but they did a great job with fresh, beautifully presented sushi, poke bowls, Boba Teas and more. 

When we get to the beach, there is a strong scent in the air. Turns out there’s a red tide and a lot of small fish dead on the beachfront adding to the pungent odor. We’ve heard about these algal blooms, but to experience the acrid odor and the fish kill resulting from this byproduct of global warming is compelling.

The blooms are dangerous to fish life and crustaceans, and they can be harmful to humans as well. There is a number of organizations tracking and working on this issue, but it really needs a more global approach to the overall problem. Locally, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission track blooms and provides local warnings. Sadly, the undersea populations are not connected to the internet, so they’re flying blind. 

We hang out for a little bit as the sun’s dipping over the ocean in the West, but the air quality is not great. The beach is nice though and has lots of seashells and as it nears sunset the light is lovely and we’re happy to be near the ocean again. 

We all are a little bit tired, so we decide to pack it up and head back to the RV park. Jana and I need to do a big laundry and a grocery run. Jack and Ellie need to do some catching up on school work as it’s a snow day from Virginia. Seems strange, a snow day in Florida! Another byproduct of virtual school.

4 loads of laundry and an overflowing shopping cart later, we’re ready to reset for the next 10-day stint on the West Coast of Florida.

Jana and I have started watching “The Crown” , so we settle in for an episode before crashing. Jack and Ellie have the night shift with the dogs, which seems to suit them. We offered them the early morning shift but they turned us down. ?


When we get to the beach, there is a strong scent in the air. Turns out there’s a red tide and a lot of small fish dead on the beachfront adding to the pungent odor.

Travel with us:

Travel Diary


This is a daily log and photos of what we’re up to.

Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 2 FP

Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 2 FP

Here is what our second month living on our boat, Hanavave, in Tahiti, French Polynesia, was like.

Our trip to Australia was delayed due to port closures throughout the South Pacific. We spent the month making improvements to Hanavave so that we could make the passage to Australia with fewer stops.

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Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 1 FP

Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 1 FP

Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 1 Preparations Welcome! We are a family of four: Grant (dad), Jana (mom), Jack (16) and Stella/Ellie (15). We just finished an 8-month tour of the U.S. and Mexico in Thelma & Louise, our Monaco Diplomat motorhome and Jeep...

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These are our personal thoughts on some of our experiences.

Why We Sold Our Home to Live on a Bus and Travel Full-Time

Why We Sold Our Home to Live on a Bus and Travel Full-Time

Why We Sold Our Home to Live on a Bus and Travel Full-TimeAt any other point in time, the decision to sell our home and move into an RV to travel the U.S. full-time with two teenagers and three dogs might be quite ridiculous. But in these unfathomably complex and...

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Reflections: One Month In

Reflections: One Month In

 ReflectionReflectionReflectionReflectionOne Month In Thursday, November 26, 2020Thanksgiving Day | Palm Beach Motorcoach Resort, FL ODOMETER: 80,306 | MILES TRAVELED: 2,361  by GrantWe’re just over 4 weeks into this grand adventure (or experiment) and we’ve...

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Happy Aussie Father’s Day to @grantiangamble ♥️ ...

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Pottsville Beach, NSW, Australia. ...

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Pottsville Beach, NSW, Australia. ...

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Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia ...

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Cape Moreton Lighthouse, Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia 🎥 @jack_gamble_shoots ...

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We recently had the incredible opportunity to share our year-long family travel adventure on the @age.rebels Podcast with @sommerlouiseb @theixmethod . (Link in bio)

Join us as we delve into @culture_nomads new book, “Culture Nomads: How Giving Up Everything for a Year of Travel Transformed Our Family and Our Lives.” We share the story of how embracing the unknown turned our lives upside down in the most extraordinary way.

In this podcast episode, we open up about our decision to break free from the mainstream and embark on a year-long family adventure around the globe, exploring diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and discovering the true essence of the human spirit.

We share heartwarming tales of personal growth, unbreakable family bonds, and the invaluable lessons we learned along the way. From traveling the U.S. and Mexico on a bus for 8 months to our intrepid crossing of the South Pacific ocean on a 38-foot catamaran, our experiences will ignite your wanderlust and leave you yearning for your own transformative journey.

Join us on the Age Rebels Podcast as we discuss the joys and challenges of living life as Culture Nomads, and how this incredible odyssey has forever altered our perspectives on the world, our family, and ourselves.

If you’re passionate about travel, adventure, and the power of embracing different cultures, you won’t want to miss this episode. Get ready to be inspired, captivated, and motivated to embark on your own extraordinary journey of self-discovery and family connection.

Don’t forget to check out our book, “Culture Nomads: How Giving Up Everything for a Year of Travel Transformed Our Family and Our Lives,” available now on Amazon. (Link in bio). It’s your ultimate guide to crafting a life filled with adventure, love, and unforgettable memories.

#CultureNomads #AgeRebelsPodcast #FamilyAdventure #TravelTransforms #Wanderlust #travel #familytravel #travelbook #sailing #rv #podcast

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Manila, Philippines ...

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Our Trip


Our Trip


Culture Nomads Travel Blog | Our Trip


Get in Touch:

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We are currently sailing the South Pacific to Australia.


Thank you for joining us, have a great day!